Tuesday 8 May 2007

being to religous

In the lecture they focused on Jehovah's witnesses and they put a negative light on them by saying they come round door to door which they do but until you have one living next door to you then you can judge them badly. To me they have been very nice people they may have talked about religion to me but never forced me to change my self or religion to become a Jehovah's witnesses. There is also many people who claim religion helps them out through the dark times but a sect i think who are to religious are the tablin because they follow rules from 20o years ago which is OK but times change such as women's rights which the tabailn did not give. also another religious group who may be to religious is AL quedia who uses things like jihad for there own reasons for commtting random acts of volence which are not needed like 7/7 in london but religion can be helpfull to keep you to be a slaen livin person ie like me i may not belive everything religion says but i keep to two strict rules no smoke or drink so thats how im religious but i cant think of a way you can be to reiligous but like i say each to there own.
a link to a Jehovah's witnesses website http://www.watchtower.org/

Sunday 6 May 2007


Smoking i think is a par of being bad becawe know know what damage it can cause to us. in the 1930's it was seen as accetable since it was seen as cool then and was the in thing to do. the same can be said of know many kids think its cool to smoke but as they get older they seem to see it as a relase maechinism for them it relives the bordom for them ie my brother he is smokes but he just says its a relase from his stress when i say its going to kill him he just doesnt seem to be bothterd becuse he thinks he is going to live forever but he is not i try to tell himit kills you quicker but he wont listen. smoking to me is an expensive habit that you could rather spend your spare money on other things ie bills or other things you may need in life but each to there own i also lernt in the lecture that smoking is a in a sense a sexual thing to seduce for example in old movies when two people light up a cigarette then they drop the cigarette then the camera focouse,s on the cigrattes which reprsents the two people having sex. Also the way smokiong is genderfied it has two sides the women is looked at by smoking in a sexual way while a man smokes it would be looked as he is reliving stress of his life and him looking cool and to atrract a lady so smoking can also hide you for example a viel of smoke it can hide what your really sying because the cigartee is betwenn you ond the person your trying to talk to so smoking i say it is up to owns choice if they want to smoke.
a link to a anti tobaco site if you chose to look at it and wish to quit smoking.

Saturday 5 May 2007

body modification

body modification is changing your body in various ways. there are many ways you can do this such as non invasive practices such as make up. other ways are invasive practices are that are just for temporary purposes such as cutting your skin other ways are ta ta toes which many people chose as the main way they modify there body there are many reasons why the are used like for sexual purposes or to remind you of something such as dad which some men have on there knuckles. another way of decorating your self is through mehidi in art work which is used at mainly used at weddings to make the bride look more appealing. the way i see it is i dont personally like tataeos or pirecings unless there on a girl because personnaly i think the look nice on the right women but i personally woldnt have any.

http://www.montanabodyart.com/ link to a site which sells body modification tools mainly percings.

Friday 4 May 2007

bad comedians

I went to the lecture yesterday it was about bad comedians. i learnt that there was two types of comedy people laughed at which was subversive and reactional. Now what i learnt that reactional comedians joke about certain taboos such as racist jokes and jokes against women thery joke against the sat us quo the same is to say with subversive comedians but they mainly take the piss with there jokes i think a example of this is Ronnie barker who players fletcher in porridge he maybe taking the piss when in the first episode by taking the piss out of two religions such as Muslims but he says muslins also out of Jew's because godber who says hes church of England then he says he would have a better life if he was a jew in prision but the joke is the doctor who supposed to examine him will now he isn't a Jew since he hasn't been circumcised but the joke is he says crimucstansed so he provokes a reaction but also is subsrvive because he is taking on the system in which his case is prison. how can you been comedy my simple answer is you cant because comedy is meant to make you laugh so its entertainment it the wont make you go aginst the system becuse you fell happy when you fell happy you will let everything pass you by but if you do decide to ban it it will just go onto the underground and just will become more popular.

Wednesday 2 May 2007


Hi in my blog i will talk about masturbation it hable part of our society since many people are single and hormones tend to rage within young age groups and since rape is a crimnail activity so many people let them sleves go through masturbation since many people do not have time to have sex in this day and age many people decide to masturbate instead here is a few links to masturbatsion sites

